I have a new website called The Mind Factory, we have published 4 projects to date that you can custom configure and 3D print! Pumpkins allows users to create unique pumpkins that can be used with LED light strings, or Read More

Welcome to the New World of ESP
I have a new website called The Mind Factory, we have published 4 projects to date that you can custom configure and 3D print! Pumpkins allows users to create unique pumpkins that can be used with LED light strings, or Read More
Here is the start of the new archived ESP8266 forum
The idea of the project is to display RGB color effects on a 19 LED strip that has an accelerometer in it so it knows its inclination, and using the tilt (acceleration) to create interesting color effects. I was thinking.. Read More
24/7 Live View. Live broadcast of the SCADA “BortX” based on the ESP8266 (NodeMcu mini) and sketch bortx.ino. http://bortx.ru
ESPboy is an open-source, open-hardware, portable, modular gadget you can build yourself for 12$ and 1 hour to use for retro gaming, game-dev, or as an IoT platform for education and fun. OSHWA certification record Openhardware.io record Try electronics and Read More
I have started a series of ESP8266 tutorials for new comers, starting from blink, traffic light humidity/temperature sensor /OLED with I2C, MQTT interface to auto hydroponics system, and finally a Arduboy-like ESP8266 game board running modified Arduboy games codes. Please Read More
What is the best way to experiment with drones? One could purchase a large and expensive model, and potentially end up damaging it, property, or even themselves, or you could go for miniature drones that can be purchased cheaply and Read More
Currently www.esp8266.com has a giveaway of a scope-meter for June 2019. Mustool MT8206… looks very cool! Specifications of meter here. See more details here: https://www.esp8266.com/viewtopic.php?f=167&t=19842
Not sure if this has been covered here, but ciccioCB has released a very cool rapid deveopment suite for the ESP8266. It is packed with very cool and easy to implement features that will get your projects up and running Read More
Hello IoT’ers! We’re very excited to share our new IoT device with you! We’ve created a secure, affordable and universal IoT gateway device for use by anyone, to control anything, from anywhere! It’s called the Pebl. Fingoti want to explore Read More