TL;DR Is there an easier way to XY map a hollow matrix of square panels, with pixels on the inside edge (please see picture attached), so that; A) Doesn’t require XY mapping every pixel – as this size of install Read More

TL;DR Is there an easier way to XY map a hollow matrix of square panels, with pixels on the inside edge (please see picture attached), so that; A) Doesn’t require XY mapping every pixel – as this size of install Read More
Dneska prislo. Vyuzil jsem sance a objednal 4.3′ E-Ink displej z dfrobot, jako ma +Josef Zvolanek ve sve meteostanici. Jsem na to fakt zvedavy 🙂 #eink #displej #raspberrypi #arduino #esp32 #esp8266
Getting Started With IBM Cloud IoT (Watson IoT Platform) – The Customize WindowsIf one follows our guide to setup ESP32 NodeMCU then it is quite easy test three provided codes to understand how IoT works … #AbhishekGhosh #Arduino #NodeMCU Read More
Marc’s Blog: arduino – 2019: Using Open Hardware from my shirt to OS testing for Google’s FuchsiaHere is my talk about my open hardware work over the years, with a good portion on LED hacking: I’m embarrassingly from an Read More
Seven new version of ESP32 modules are add to our web shopSeven new ESP32 modules are in our web shop, 4-16MB Flash, 8MB PSRAM, High temperature versions for demanding applications.
#Comingsoon With the ESP32 WiFi co-processor work we’re doing, a plain ESP32 breakout would come in really handy. No USB to serial converter or extra stuff to complicate it, just the pins broken out, power supply, two buttons, and an Read More
Unique Flat-Screen Display Put to Use in CRT Game BoyCRT displays aren’t always bulky. This flat CRT Game Boy uses an old video intercom and an ESP32 for retro Tetris fun. The cathode-ray tube ruled the display world from the Read More
Controlando ESP32 via WiFi com validao por MACADRESSNeste tutorial aprenda a programar uma ESP32 no modo AP com HTML, tendo como diferencial a validao do acesso dos dispositivos atravs do endereo MAC.
Toebvi.Poumdu on Twitter1 pcs ESP-WROOM-32 WiFi + Bluetooth 4.2 dual-core CPU MCU low-power Bluetooth 240MHZ ESP32
Virtual screen for Microcontroller ESP32