Connection to HTTP/2 server, using the ESP32, the Arduino core and the sh2lib wrapper.

Connection to HTTP/2 server, using the ESP32, the Arduino core and the sh2lib wrapper.
Espressif ESP32 LyraTD MSC Kit Grid Connect NEW PRODUCT ALERT Espressif ESP32 LyraTD MSC Kit #Espressif #ESP32 #WROVER32 #IoT
Neopixel test on esp32Neopixel test on esp32 Since I got the server/client thing working it was time to start working on the neopixel stuff. I started out simple. Then add on to the line. As you can see on the Read More
Hi folks, I’m very new to FastLED and Arduino, but I have a few questions I’m struggling with for a project I’m working on. Is it possible to create palettes and gradient palettes at runtime? All the examples and documentation Read More
Manufacturing the PyPortal#ManufacturingMonday#PyPortal@adafruit (video) This video shows the process of manufacturing our first batch of PyPortals, from applying solder paste, through two pick ‘n place machines, and into the reflow oven. The PyPortal is an open-source hardware and open-source Read More
ESP32 Firebase vs MIT App Inventor: 7 Langkah Mudah Membuat Aplikasi Monitoring via SmartphoneBelajar membuat aplikasi Android sendiri untuk data landing sistem monitoring #IoTSecurity #IoT #InternetOfThings #technology #firebase #Google
ESP32 MPU6050 Arduino Here is some resources:
Reverse Engineering Pokemon GO Plus #ReverseEngineering #Pokemon #PokemonLetsGo #ESP32Reverse Engineering Pokemon GO Plus#ReverseEngineering#Pokemon#PokemonLetsGo#ESP32 Yohanes Nugroho at TinyHack writes about reverse engineering Pokemon GO Plus: _Pokemon GO Plus, (which I will refer from now on as PGP) is a wearable Read More
\- lnky: Jak vytvoit chytr, barevn svtlo postaven na FireBeetle ESP32 IOT mikrokontrolruJak vytvoit chytr, barevn svtlo postaven na FireBeetle ESP32 IOT mikrokontrolru #IoT #ESP32 #FireBeetle #LED
MeWe: The best chat & group app with privacy you trust.#Visuino \- nov verze grafickho programovn pro Arduino V poslednm vydn podporuje #ESP32 \- vvojov desky od TTGO – TTGO-T4, TTGO-TS a TTGO-T8 ESP32. Pidal podporu Bluetooth Low Energy, podpora Read More