Build a Game Boy Clone with an ESP32 and a Small CRT DisplayTheCRT Boywas designed using a tiny CRT display, an ESP32, and a 12V LiPo battery.

Build a Game Boy Clone with an ESP32 and a Small CRT DisplayTheCRT Boywas designed using a tiny CRT display, an ESP32, and a 12V LiPo battery.
Huzzah Feather Pinout Lovely Iot Made Simple Playing with the Esp32 On Arduino Ide 13 Steps | thedelishlife
Empresa lana placa industrial baseada em ESP32 – EmbarcadosA empresa Novasom Industries, adicionou recentemente uma placa industrial baseada em #ESP32 ao seu portflio. Confira todos os detalhes no #portalembarcados
Evil Genius Labs | Hexadecimal NodeMCU-32S Wi-Fi and BLE LED ControllerI’ve created a monster! Hexadecimal (16 output) level shifter shield for the NodeMCU-32S ESP32 board. So far I’ve tested with 800 WS2811 RGB LEDs. I need moar! Thanks to +Sam Read More
uMesh ESP32 Module Offers a LiPo Battery Circuit for Deployed IoT ApplicationsuMesh ESP32 Module Offers a LiPo Battery Circuit for Deployed IoT Applications by Cabe Atwell
Ausprobiert: Spielekonsole Odroid-GoWeihnachtsgeschenkekalender Tag 4: Ob Tetriskonsole oder ESP32-Entwicklungsplattform, der Odroid Go zum Selberschrauben ist vielseitig einsetzbar.
Writing to CouchDB/Cloudant From ESP32 Arduino – The Customize WindowsIn past guides, we already performed HTTP Post request to IBM Watson IoT platform from ESP32 sending JSON, doing it on self-hosted CouchDB is similar … #AbhishekGhosh #CloudComputing #DataScience #IoT Read More released its IOT Button: based on ESP32, NGSI compliant secure connection. Open hardware and Open Software 😉 You can use the Snap4All IOT Button to activate all you IOT Applications and dashboards: opening a gate, opening your windows, ask Read More
Hey guys I have a quick question. I recently bought a ws2812b strip. I firstly tested it with an Arduino and everything worked fine but I really want to control it with an ESP32. The problems appeared when I tried Read More
Steps of ESP32 MicroPython Setup with uPyCraft IDE – The Customize WindowsIt will take less than 30 minutes to setup uPyCraft IDE with ESP32 and blink a LED using Python …. #AbhishekGhosh #ESP32 #Arduino #Python #MicroPython #technology