Medir distancia mediante ESP32 y enviar al puerto serie int EchoPin = 13; int TriggerPin = 12; void setup() { Serial.begin(115200); pinMode(TriggerPin, OUTPUT); pinMode(EchoPin, INPUT); } void loop() { int cm = ping(TriggerPin, EchoPin); Serial.print(‘Distancia: ‘); Serial.println(cm); delay…

Novinky: Gobot – jazyk Go na platformy…
\- Novinky: Gobot – jazyk Go na platformy ESP32, ESP8266, Arduino, RaspberryPi a mnoh dal Gobot – jazyk Go na platformy ESP32, ESP8266, Arduino, RaspberryPi a mnoh dal #go #gobot #IoT #ESP8266 #Arduino #RaspberryPi #Microbit

TTGO ESP32 board with OLED display and Adafruit…
TTGO ESP32 board with OLED display and Adafruit libraryHow to use a TTGO #ESP32 board with #OLED display and the #Adafruit library These days, there’s a huge amount of support out there for virtually any device you can buy. But Read More

Welcome to another ESP32 project video! Today we…
Welcome to another ESP32 project video! Today we are going to build an Internet Radio device with a big 3.5 display using an inexpensive ESP32 board. Believe it or not, we can now build an Internet Radio in less than Read More
The most popular news videos and articles in…
The most popular news, videos and articles in 2018 #OrangePi #ESP32 #Arduino #STM32 #STM32duino #RaspberryPi #EagleCAD


DFRobot FireBeetle ESP32 IoT Microcontroller (Supports Wi-Fi &…
DFRobot FireBeetle ESP32 IoT Microcontroller (Supports Wi-Fi & Bluetooth): information about the productA description of DFRobot FireBeetle ESP32 IoT Microcontroller (Supports Wi-Fi & Bluetooth), a board suitable to develop applications of many types, including those for the Internet of Things.

Soziales Netzwerk: Am 2 April 2019 wird Google+…
Soziales Netzwerk: Am 2. April 2019 wird Google+ endgltig geschlossen – Golem.deLiebe Mitglieder, es ist soweit. G+ ist bald Geschichte. Damit endet in den nchsten Wochen diese Community. Inwieweit sich das auf das Spiel auswirkt, wei ich noch nicht. Die Read More

Open Hardware for beginners In continuation with my…
Open Hardware for beginners. In continuation with my previous post on need to bridge the gap between IT professional and experts in other areas of engineering like electronics / manufacturing and other domains, I am posting a youtube video on Read More

Face Detection and Recognition on the ESP32 Hackster…
Face Detection and Recognition on the ESP32 Hackster Blog#MachineLearning #IoT