ESP8266 , WiFi-. ( ESP32 Bluetooth, , .)

Alexa (Echo) with ESP32 and ESP8266…
Alexa (Echo) with ESP32 and ESP8266

Weather Station Is A Tutorial in Low Power…
Weather Station Is A Tutorial in Low Power DesignCuando estamos creando dispositivos para el #IoT con placas con #WiFi de #Arduino #ESP8266 o #ESP32 tenemos que llevar mucho ojo con el consumo. En este artculo nos hablan de cmo hacer Read More

Feoxpu Kiicge on Twitter 1 pcs ESP-WROOM-32 WiFi +…
Feoxpu Kiicge on Twitter1 pcs ESP-WROOM-32 WiFi + Bluetooth 4.2 dual-core CPU MCU low-power Bluetooth 240MHZ ESP32

Visual Programming of a Python microcontroler The…
‘Visual Programming’ of a Python microcontroler The BBC MicroBit runs _MicroPython_. Fine. But how about a _’Visual Programming Environment’_ for it? Here the _’pure Python’_ tutorial: Here the graphical _’visual programming’_ version: That Javascript GUI emits Python code, Read More

M5stack camera M5stack camera I have been impressed with…
M5stack cameraM5stack camera I have been impressed with the projects out there to make a webcam out of an ESP32 and generic camera module. Thinking of the faff in putting this together tidily I’ve not bought the bits, which is Read More

Mini Dishwasher Powered by ESP32 | Espressif Systems Acabo…
Mini Dishwasher Powered by ESP32 | Espressif SystemsAcabo de alucinar en colores jejejeje saba que el #ESP32 tiene unas capacidades increbles pero nunca se me habra ocurrido que se utilizara como cerebro de un #lavavajillas Se llama 3Bob #Dishwasher y Read More

SuperB XBee Compatible Module Features ESP32 WiFi &…
SuperB XBee Compatible Module Features ESP32 WiFi & Bluetooth SoC (Crowdfunding)+ESP32 module following +XBee form factor.

Convert a Bunch of LED Strips into a…
Convert a Bunch of LED Strips into a Big Video Display@Raspberry_Pi #PiDay #RaspberryPi from PixiGreen via _Dreaming about your own video LED display is easy. Building one by yourself? Not so much. This project presents and provides the Read More
Elasticsearch kibana FluentdLogstash x86 proxy…
Elasticsearch kibana FluentdLogstash x86 proxy deb JAVA OpenJDK 11 8 Logstash 11 Fluentd Gem jmz ESP8266 ESP32 ESP32 M5 Stack ESPr-DEv32 20 IC ESP32 I2C NanoPi Neo2 NeoNeo2 Neo2 AllwinnerH15 Quad GPIO 2000 WiFiNIC NIC NIC Tinker Board NAS FreeNASLinux Read More