\- lnky: ESP32 Nvod: podpora MicroPythonuESP32 Nvod: podpora MicroPythonu Clem tohoto nvodu na micropython je vysvtlit, jak nahrt MicroPython firmware do ESP32 a otestovat ho jednoduchm programem ‘Hello World’. https://chiptron.cz/articles.php?article_id=204
ESP32 OTA using MQTT over SSL as transport…
ESP32 OTA using MQTT over SSL as transport and Node-Red as the bin image provider
On to Neopixels On to Neopixels I was able…
On to NeopixelsOn to Neopixels I was able successfully get the threading part working on one of the esp32 clients. Which means prop4 software is kind of done. Since prop4 is going to be my neopixel client, I needed it Read More
Servidor http con ESP32 (8 bits) Falta depurar…
Servidor http con ESP32 (8 bits) Falta depurar el cdigo, limpiar comentarios y activar las correspondientes salidas, pero ya funciona. No olvidar poner el nombre de la red y el password. Cdigo: #include // Replace with your network credentials const Read More
nodemcu-firmware Test NodeMCU na ESP32 Dnes m napadlo…
nodemcu-firmwareTest NodeMCU na ESP32 Dnes m napadlo zkusit otestovat stav NodeMCU na ESP32. V poslednch mscch toti vvoj docela oil a dopluj tam potebn moduly znm z NodeMCU pro ESP8266. Peklad probhl v podku, jen jsem si na Ubuntu 16.04 Read More
Problem with running the Arduino IDE for the…
Problem with running the Arduino IDE for the ESP under Linux: I am currently moving from the Windows IDE to Ubuntu. I ran into the following problem. When tying to compile a sketch and downloading it I get the following Read More
Metro M4 WiFi Express SAMD51 with all the…
Metro M4 WiFi Express, SAMD51 with all the goodies you expect for CircuitPython + ESP32 co-processor (caboose?) on the SPI bus to do SSL, WiFI and maybe even BTLE! Best o’ both worlds 🙂
Control va Wifi de Chasis Freescale con ESP32…
Control va Wifi de Chasis Freescale con ESP32
MAKERphone – um celular DIY baseado no ESP32 Est…
MAKERphone – um celular DIY baseado no ESP32Est no ar a campanha no Kickstarter do MAKERphone, um celular DIY de propsito educacional projetado baseado no ESP32. Confira os seus detalhes neste artigo de Fbio Souza!
ESP-ADF: plataforma de udio open-source da Espressif -…
ESP-ADF: plataforma de udio open-source da Espressif – EmbarcadosConhea o ESP-ADF plataforma de desenvolvimento de udio da Espressif, open-source e tem como base o ESP-IDF, SDK base utilizado no ESP32. Artigo de Renata de Camillo