ESP32 MPU6050 Arduino Here is some resources:

ESP32 MPU6050 Arduino Here is some resources:
Reverse Engineering Pokemon GO Plus #ReverseEngineering #Pokemon #PokemonLetsGo #ESP32Reverse Engineering Pokemon GO Plus#ReverseEngineering#Pokemon#PokemonLetsGo#ESP32 Yohanes Nugroho at TinyHack writes about reverse engineering Pokemon GO Plus: _Pokemon GO Plus, (which I will refer from now on as PGP) is a wearable Read More
\- lnky: Jak vytvoit chytr, barevn svtlo postaven na FireBeetle ESP32 IOT mikrokontrolruJak vytvoit chytr, barevn svtlo postaven na FireBeetle ESP32 IOT mikrokontrolru #IoT #ESP32 #FireBeetle #LED
MeWe: The best chat & group app with privacy you trust.#Visuino \- nov verze grafickho programovn pro Arduino V poslednm vydn podporuje #ESP32 \- vvojov desky od TTGO – TTGO-T4, TTGO-TS a TTGO-T8 ESP32. Pidal podporu Bluetooth Low Energy, podpora Read More
PacketMonitor32 An ESP32-Based Packet Monitor with OLEDPacketMonitor32 An ESP32-Based Packet Monitor with OLED
Creating An Application Using BigchainDB in PythonCreate a blockchain database with 50 lines of Python! Means: Everything included – Creating keys, storing in, retrieving from … It’s so fucking stupid, that you can attach embedded Python IoT microcontrollers (ESP32 with Read More
#Wemos #Lolin32 s #ESP32 za 4.90 USD a #Micropython Programovac jazyk MicroPython se dostv na nespoet zazen – WiFi&BT moduly s ESP32 nebo mikrokontrolry SAMD21. Popularita MicroPython raketov roste, jak ale zat?
Particle Mesh Networking Review – Part 2: Getting Started Guide with Argon & XenonMy experience with Particle Mesh networking using Argon (Wifi+Mesh) gateway, and Xenon Mesh nodes.
ESP32 WiPhone, An Open Source VoIP Mobile Phone You Can Own
Mandolin-Playing Delta Robot Uses an ESP32 to Pluck-Out the TunesPluckin’ awesome! Watch this ESP32-controlleddelta robot play some tunes on a mandolin.