Hello everyone! Have any of you encountered wifi enhancement on esp32 using an antenna? I use ArtNet and get periodic freeze. Can someone use an ethernet shield with esp? Maybe better to use another board? I heard about the implementations Read More

Hacksterio Crea tu propio sintonizador de radio por #Internet…
Hackster.ioCrea tu propio sintonizador de radio por #Internet siguiendo este tutorial paso a paso donde utilizan un #ESP32 y un display de 3,5′ #Maker #DIY #IoT

Arduino ESP32 tutorials ~ IoT Sharing | |…
Arduino ESP32 tutorials ~ IoT Sharing | | Pinterest https://pin.it/gwxd55qqpkif6b

PCF8574 GPIO Extender – With Arduino and NodeMCU PCF8574…
PCF8574 GPIO Extender – With Arduino and NodeMCUPCF8574 GPIO Extender – With Arduino and NodeMCU In my last tutorial, I talked about the TCA9548A MUX which can be used to add at the max of 64 I2C or IC sensors Read More

FCC ID 2AHMR-ESP32-S Wi-Fi & Bluetooth Module by…
FCC ID 2AHMR-ESP32-S Wi-Fi & Bluetooth Module by Shenzhen Ai-Thinker Technology co., LTDShenzhen Ai-Thinker Technology co., LTD WIFI module ESP32-S (2AHMR-ESP32-S): FCC Application for WIFI module approved for Shenzhen Ai-Thinker Technology co., LTD of China. This device now has application Read More
Im using FastLED 320 on a Chinesium esp32…
I’m using FastLED 3.2.0 on a Chinesium esp32 and everything was running smoothly until I made some changes and got this error: ‘rmt_register_tx_end_callback’ was not declared in this scope The offending file is clockless_esp32.h Problem is, I can’t track down Read More

ESP32 Arduino and TM1637 Seven Segment LED Display…
ESP32 Arduino and TM1637 Seven Segment LED Display – The Customize WindowsHere are some example working libraries for ESP32’Arduino setup. TM1637’s bad documentation makes it of limited usage… https://thecustomizewindows.com/2019/03/esp32-arduino-and-tm1637-seven-segment-led-display/ #AbhishekGhosh #Arduino #ESP32 #TM1637 #Electronics #Technology
This took a while to build…
This took a while to build.

NodeMCU-32S (ESP32-S) NodeMCU-32S (ESP32-S) Just bought a NodeMCU-32S board…
NodeMCU-32S (ESP32-S)NodeMCU-32S (ESP32-S) Just bought a NodeMCU-32S board. NodeMCU-32S is the core development board based on ESP-32S module. Pin definition (from www.ai-thinker.com) Related link: – ai-thinker NodeMCU-32S page

Arduino (AS3935)//(BME280) RJ45LAN ArduinoPM25…
Arduino (AS3935)//(BME280) RJ45LAN ArduinoPM2.5 MQTT Elasticsearch (SHT31) USB ESP8266USB ESP32 MQTT Elasticsearch (g/m3) PCB 10