The1of! platformprovides a simple way to breadboard ESP8266-based electronic designs:

The1of! platformprovides a simple way to breadboard ESP8266-based electronic designs:
MicroPython on the ESP32 – MicroPython is a Python interpreter that runs on 32-bit processors. Initially targeting the ESP8266, you can also run MicroPython on its much more powerful cousin the ESP32. It’s not the most efficient use of resources, Read More
Baidqo Qeibje on Twitter1 pcs ESP-WROOM-32 WiFi + Bluetooth 4.2 dual-core CPU MCU low-power Bluetooth 240MHZ ESP32
uMesh ESP32 Module Offers a LiPo Battery Circuit for Deployed IoT Applications | iotosphere – Internet of ThingsEspressif’s ESP32 SoC has become a hardware staple in IoT projects, and for a good reason it’s an inexpensive, low-power Wi-Fi/Bluetooth-equipped module with Read More
ESP32 Erweiterung der Arduino FamilieNachdem der verbreitete ESP8266 in die Arduino Umgebung integriert wurde und Ledunia als High-End-ESP8266-Modul ( verfgbar ist, steht mit dem ESP32 der chinesischen Firma Espressif ein weiteres Upgrade der Arduino Familie bereit. Ich
DollaTek M5Stack Module de Commande de Moteur Pas Pas ESP32 Moteur Pas Pas GRBL I2C MEGA328P, 3 Axes Inclus, IoT ESP32 empilable Programmation Arduino/Python 123CadeauLien du document: UserGuide / blob / master / Nouveau module pilote de moteur Read More
After lurking here for a while, I’m going to start my first project with an ESP32 and a 18×16 LED matrix plus 60 extra LEDs (based on WS2812b strips) – a ‘Word Clock’ with a 60 LED ambient light border Read More
I am trying to do some image processing with the ESP32, much of the time is used to load new images in the TFT display (4 frames/second). Without updating the image, the capture rate is 24 frames/second, There will be Read More
ESP32 . Mais uma placa saindo – Placa para desenvolvimento de prottipos com o mdulo ESP32. . Iniciando as trilhas de estanho, aps a colocao dos componentes. Em breve vdeo completo. . #esp32 #esp #iot #placa #desenvolvimento #prototipos #eletronica #projeto Read More
MoonBot: DIY Kit for Tinkering with Modern Robotics & AI MoonBot: DIY Kit for Tinkering with Modern Robotics & AI on @kickstarter This has a very interesting vision sensor! And needs a little help to get fully funded! #robot Read More