Tak peloench nvod o #ESP32 a #MicroPython se nm u hezky rozrstaj vod: https://chiptron.cz/articles.php?article_id=204 JSON: https://chiptron.cz/articles.php?article_id=209 WiFi: https://chiptron.cz/articles.php?article_id=211 Zase JSON: https://chiptron.cz/articles.php?article_id=212 A scripty z PC https://chiptron.cz/articles.php?article_id=213

Finally the full 14 minutes of LED animation…
Finally the full 14 minutes of LED animation . 300 x 19 Matrix ws2812 on an ESP32 sketch bij @Mark Estes and +Marc MERLIN https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wRWmz9nYI8Q&t=21s no music.. youtube would not let me…
Wifi ESP32 ArtNet ArtNet-DMX DMXUSBPRO Q Light Controller…
Wifi ESP32 ArtNet ArtNet-DMX DMXUSBPRO Q Light Controller \+ DMX Wifi

HELLO (esp32) WORLD – a re-creation of the…
HELLO (esp32) WORLD – a re-creation of the code running on my ESP32 Board when I got itHELLO (esp32) WORLD – a re-creation of the code running on my ESP32 Board when I got it Wasted a number of hours Read More
ESP8266 WiFi- ( ESP32 Bluetooth )…
ESP8266 , WiFi-. ( ESP32 Bluetooth, , .)

Alexa (Echo) with ESP32 and ESP8266…
Alexa (Echo) with ESP32 and ESP8266

Weather Station Is A Tutorial in Low Power…
Weather Station Is A Tutorial in Low Power DesignCuando estamos creando dispositivos para el #IoT con placas con #WiFi de #Arduino #ESP8266 o #ESP32 tenemos que llevar mucho ojo con el consumo. En este artculo nos hablan de cmo hacer Read More

Feoxpu Kiicge on Twitter 1 pcs ESP-WROOM-32 WiFi +…
Feoxpu Kiicge on Twitter1 pcs ESP-WROOM-32 WiFi + Bluetooth 4.2 dual-core CPU MCU low-power Bluetooth 240MHZ ESP32 https://t.co/8k0rdZKoKc

Visual Programming of a Python microcontroler The…
‘Visual Programming’ of a Python microcontroler The BBC MicroBit runs _MicroPython_. Fine. But how about a _’Visual Programming Environment’_ for it? Here the _’pure Python’_ tutorial: https://microbit-micropython.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html Here the graphical _’visual programming’_ version: http://microblocks.fun/ That Javascript GUI emits Python code, Read More

M5stack camera M5stack camera I have been impressed with…
M5stack cameraM5stack camera I have been impressed with the projects out there to make a webcam out of an ESP32 and generic camera module. Thinking of the faff in putting this together tidily I’ve not bought the bits, which is Read More