bxparks/AUnitLas pruebas de #software son muy importantes incluso si trabajamos con #Arduino #ESP8266 #ESP32 la librera #AUnit te ayudar en esta tarea para que nunca ms falle tu programa.

bxparks/AUnitLas pruebas de #software son muy importantes incluso si trabajamos con #Arduino #ESP8266 #ESP32 la librera #AUnit te ayudar en esta tarea para que nunca ms falle tu programa.
Hi makers, is anyone developing sotware to drive a ws2812 3D cube?
Arduino WebSocket Server Using an ESP32 @HUZZAH32 Feather Board @arduino @shawnhymel https://blog.adafruit.com/2018/11/01/arduino-websocket-server-using-an-esp32-huzzah32-feather-board-arduino-shawnhymel/ _WebSockets is an incredibly useful protocol that lets you send data to and from a server over TCP without the need for HTTP. Importantly, it lets you push Read More
Wemos D32 ESP32 LED & Level Shifter Shield by Evil Genius Labs on Tindie(update, there is one: https://www.tindie.com/products/jasoncoon/wemos-d32-esp32-led-level-shifter-shield/ https://www.tindie.com/products/jasoncoon/16-output-nodemcu-esp32-wifi-ble-led-controller/ ) +Jason Coon I found your ESP32 shield with level shifter: https://www.tindie.com/products/jasoncoon/wemos-d32-esp32-led-level-shifter-shield/ Good thinking, this was what I needed, except I Read More
In questo video vedremo come realizzare l’installazione di mongoose OS su di una board ESP32 (la mia board esp32: https://amzn.to/2QBKuN7 ). Questo passo fondamentale per poi poter avviare altri progetti,in particolare la gestione di sensori collegati all’ESP32 con la Google Read More
Prueba Rapida #MQTT en #ESP32 con ESP-IDF (ESP-MQTT) & Node-RED + #Mosquitto #FreeRTOS #IoT Entorno Oficial de Espressif para ESP32 http://pdacontroles.com/mqtt-en-esp32-con-esp-idf-esp-mqtt-node-red/ video paso a paso: https://youtu.be/BPKksKveuno Saludos
Introduo ao protocolo MQTT com Ubidots ESP32
IOT com rede de telefonia celular e ESP32
ESP32 HTTP/2 GET request: Adding headers
CRT BOY Combines a Tiny CRT and ESP32 into the Coolest Game Boy Ever | iotosphere – Internet of ThingsSmall displays these days are astoundingly affordable, and even the cheapest LCDs are thin, light, power-efficient, and have decent resolutions. With Read More