BortX.ino – Sketch that transforms ESP8266 to SCADA
24/7 Live View. Live broadcast of the SCADA “BortX” based on the ESP8266 (NodeMcu mini) and sketch bortx.ino.
One thought on “BortX.ino – Sketch that transforms ESP8266 to SCADA”
Yes, I tried that. There have been changes since the publication. Now the Bort-X are using the BS88 script. Bortx – scada, iot , visualisation and grafic dashboard. To setup it – takes 5 min. Very good solution for ESP8266 NodeMcu.
Yes, I tried that. There have been changes since the publication. Now the Bort-X are using the BS88 script. Bortx – scada, iot , visualisation and grafic dashboard. To setup it – takes 5 min. Very good solution for ESP8266 NodeMcu.