Is it possible to drive 2000 leds With Esp8266 Or Esp32 Or Arduino UNO? No matter for slow frame rate even

On to Neopixels On to Neopixels I was able…
On to NeopixelsOn to Neopixels I was able successfully get the threading part working on one of the esp32 clients. Which means prop4 software is kind of done. Since prop4 is going to be my neopixel client, I needed it Read More

Platform for an Airbus (civil airplane) flight simulator!…
Platform for an Airbus (civil airplane) flight simulator! Motors + gearbox made by German/Brazil company WEG. Software: Python, MicroPython (Adarfruit calls it CircuitPython) on ESP32, also runs on $5 Raspberry Pi Zero. Simple, isn’t it? Just two Stepper Motors needed!!!

ESP32 OTA using MQTT over SSL as transport…
ESP32 OTA using MQTT over SSL as transport and Node-Red as the bin image provider

ESP32 Well its time to start planning again…
Well, it’s time to start planning again. I wanted to make a server to control all my props. So, I bought 4 of these for 4 bucks each. Nice. I will keep it updated. Sorry, I didnt update blog. Girlfriend Read More

ESP32 Nvod: podpora MicroPythonu ESP32 Nvod: podpora…
\- lnky: ESP32 Nvod: podpora MicroPythonuESP32 Nvod: podpora MicroPythonu Clem tohoto nvodu na micropython je vysvtlit, jak nahrt MicroPython firmware do ESP32 a otestovat ho jednoduchm programem ‘Hello World’.

ESP32 Arduino : Develop Android App to Receive…
ESP32 Arduino : Develop Android App to Receive Push Notification – The Customize WindowsTo receive push message from ESP32 to Android device we need an Android app. We can have a mobile backend or just directly configure with Firebase. It Read More

FireBeetle ESP32 IOT Microcontroller (Supports Wi-Fi & Bluetooth…
FireBeetle ESP32 IOT Microcontroller (Supports Wi-Fi & Bluetooth – DFRobot
While simple in terms of hardware The DHT11…
While simple in terms of hardware, The DHT11 + ESP32 is able to transduce and convert the levels of temperature and humidity into numeric values. However, there are many things missing from this simple setup in order to become a Read More

Amazon TOP Angebote ESP32 Development Board Offizielles Angebot…
Amazon TOP Angebote ESP32 Development Board Offizielles Angebot Angebot Proto Modul Proto Board mit Erweiterung Bus Socket fr Arduino ESP32 Development Kit M5Stack: ESP32 Development Board Official Angebot Angebot Proto Modul Proto Board mit Erweiterung und Buchse fr Arduino ESP32 Read More