Hi There,
Currently i’m working with ESP8266 ESP-12 Module.
Yesterday i thought of loading pre compiled binaries to flash to connect wifi router ( eagle.flash.bin & eagle.irom0text.bin)
i will let you know steps followed & kindly help on this..
Environment: WINDOWS VISTA, Python2.x, ESPTool
1) i played command ‘esptool.py -p COM5 flash_id’ .. then i got ‘Manufacturer : C8, Device: 4016’
2) i played command ‘esptool.py -p COM5 write_flash 0x00000 eagle.flash.bin 0x40000 eagle.irom0text.bin’ .. then i got ‘invalid packet exception’ .
3) i played command ‘esptool.py -p COM5 flash_id’ .. then i got below output
Traceback (most recent call last):
File ‘D:\esptool-master\esptool.py’, line 482, in
File ‘D:\esptool-master\esptool.py’, line 158, in connect
raise Exception(‘Failed to connect’)
Exception: Failed to connect
4) Now, i thought of using AT command to reset the ESP8266.. i used many serial monitor softwares (realterm, arduino, sscomm32E, Terminal, accessport etc..)
5) i made ‘AT’ command .. no response in return.. i tried ‘AT+RST’ command .. no response in return.
Now i’m clueless .. can somebody help me out by answer below questions
1) how can i reset my device ( factory settings ) ?
2) how to load my precompiled binary files to flash ?
Thanks in advance & have a great day.