Hi beautiful community of ESP!
I am trying to send a http request from browser to the esp8266. Currently I have ESP8266WebServer running on the esp and listening to incoming http requests. I have a function which listens to request made by browser and activates a function example: if I type ‘http://ipofesp /ledon’ without space in the url; The ledon function will be called upon ‘/ledon’ in the url.
The code I am using is:
void setup(){
server.on(“/”,[](){server.send(200,”text/plain”,”Hello World”);});
void loop() {
void ledon(){
digitalWrite(D5, LOW)
void handleNotFound(){
server.send(200,”text/plain”,”Wrong input”);
This works file for me but now I am trying to send a http request from browser to the esp8266 with an http payload. How can I fetch the http payload in esp8266?
is there any built-in function in the server object?