QuestionsVanishing eagle flash bin files
Michael Allan asked 6 years ago

The later SDK’s make reference to flashing using
yet the later SDK’s don’t have those files. Where can one get the latest versions of these from?
I tried pinching them from earlier SDK’s to use with SDK 2.2.1 but it ddn’t work.
There are linker scripts in the SDK’s “ld” folder but no actual bin files in “bin” or any other folder..
I am looking to flash 512kB and 1MB ESP8266’s with SDK 3.0
Currently I have SDK 2.2.1 on the 1MB black modules and about SDK 1.7 on the 512kB modules.
I have a lot of these modules and want up o date AT firmware on them.Thanks.

RichardS Staff replied 6 years ago

They change directories once per build.

1 Answers
RichardS Staff answered 6 years ago

They change directories once per build.

Michael Allan replied 6 years ago

Thanks, but I’ve been through ALL the directories of the latter NONOS SDK’s looking for “eagle” files but they aren’t there.