M5stack cameraM5stack camera I have been impressed with the projects out there to make a webcam out of an ESP32 and generic camera module. Thinking of the faff in putting this together tidily I’ve not bought the bits, which is Read More
Elasticsearch kibana FluentdLogstash x86 proxy…
Elasticsearch kibana FluentdLogstash x86 proxy deb JAVA OpenJDK 11 8 Logstash 11 Fluentd Gem jmz ESP8266 ESP32 ESP32 M5 Stack ESPr-DEv32 20 IC ESP32 I2C NanoPi Neo2 NeoNeo2 Neo2 AllwinnerH15 Quad GPIO 2000 WiFiNIC NIC NIC Tinker Board NAS FreeNASLinux Read More
Feoxpu Kiicge on Twitter 1 pcs ESP-WROOM-32 WiFi +…
Feoxpu Kiicge on Twitter1 pcs ESP-WROOM-32 WiFi + Bluetooth 4.2 dual-core CPU MCU low-power Bluetooth 240MHZ ESP32 https://t.co/8k0rdZKoKc
Expanses para Microcontroladores A partir de…
Expanses para Microcontroladores . A partir de maro estarei mostrando 8 vdeos de como projetar e montar expanses (DIY) para Arduino, PIC, ESP8266, NodeMCU, STM32 e etc. . AGUARDEM . #expansoes #placas #microcontrolador #arduino #stm32 #esp #esp32 #esp8266 #nodemcu #pic Read More
Visual Programming of a Python microcontroler The…
‘Visual Programming’ of a Python microcontroler The BBC MicroBit runs _MicroPython_. Fine. But how about a _’Visual Programming Environment’_ for it? Here the _’pure Python’_ tutorial: https://microbit-micropython.readthedocs.io/en/latest/index.html Here the graphical _’visual programming’_ version: http://microblocks.fun/ That Javascript GUI emits Python code, Read More
Color detection ready Next: BLOB extraction and object…
Color detection ready. Next: BLOB extraction and object recognition. May be too much for the esp32, will see 🙂
Non-Blocking WS2812 LED Library For those who missed this…
Non-Blocking WS2812 LED LibraryFor those who missed this like me, +Paul Stoffregen wrote a DMA version of NeoPixel driving on Teensy chips. I’m assuming the Teensy Serial port is more capable than some other platforms where this is probably not Read More
Bitluni Releases ESP32 VGA Board as a DIY…
Bitluni Releases ESP32 VGA Board as a DIY Kit to Display Graphics on a VGA Screen+bitluni’s lab releasesESP32 VGA Boardas a DIY kit to display graphics on a VGA screen.
Internet Radio con ESP32 – BricoGeekcom…
Internet Radio con ESP32 – BricoGeek.com
Keep away from US AI and IoT frameworks!…
Keep away from U.S. AI and IoT frameworks! Every larger U.S. company is trying to set standards in AI and IoT to finally make big money with _’training courses’_ (software itself mostly is free!), desperately to create a _’vendor lock-in’_ Read More