Alexa (Echo) with ESP32 and ESP8266
ESP8266 WiFi- ( ESP32 Bluetooth )…
ESP8266 , WiFi-. ( ESP32 Bluetooth, , .)
Weather Station Is A Tutorial in Low Power…
Weather Station Is A Tutorial in Low Power DesignCuando estamos creando dispositivos para el #IoT con placas con #WiFi de #Arduino #ESP8266 o #ESP32 tenemos que llevar mucho ojo con el consumo. En este artculo nos hablan de cmo hacer Read More
Elasticsearch kibana FluentdLogstash x86 proxy…
Elasticsearch kibana FluentdLogstash x86 proxy deb JAVA OpenJDK 11 8 Logstash 11 Fluentd Gem jmz ESP8266 ESP32 ESP32 M5 Stack ESPr-DEv32 20 IC ESP32 I2C NanoPi Neo2 NeoNeo2 Neo2 AllwinnerH15 Quad GPIO 2000 WiFiNIC NIC NIC Tinker Board NAS FreeNASLinux Read More
Expanses para Microcontroladores A partir de…
Expanses para Microcontroladores . A partir de maro estarei mostrando 8 vdeos de como projetar e montar expanses (DIY) para Arduino, PIC, ESP8266, NodeMCU, STM32 e etc. . AGUARDEM . #expansoes #placas #microcontrolador #arduino #stm32 #esp #esp32 #esp8266 #nodemcu #pic Read More
Non-Blocking WS2812 LED Library For those who missed this…
Non-Blocking WS2812 LED LibraryFor those who missed this like me, +Paul Stoffregen wrote a DMA version of NeoPixel driving on Teensy chips. I’m assuming the Teensy Serial port is more capable than some other platforms where this is probably not Read More
MicroPython with ESP32 and ESP8266: Interacting with GPIOs…
MicroPython with ESP32 and ESP8266: Interacting with GPIOs
AIoT ESP-EYE AIoT ESP-EYE Pinterest ESP-EYE (ESP8266 ) AIoT , : # ESP-EYE ESP32 AI Development Board Supports Face detection, Voice wakeup # # The Mysterious ESP-EYE Development …
bxparks/AUnit Las pruebas de #software son muy importantes incluso…
bxparks/AUnitLas pruebas de #software son muy importantes incluso si trabajamos con #Arduino #ESP8266 #ESP32 la librera #AUnit te ayudar en esta tarea para que nunca ms falle tu programa.
Internet of Things Found the esp8266 and esp32…
Internet of Things Found the esp8266 and esp32 platforms that can run Arduino code and communicate over Wifi instead of USB and serial. I’ve created a new block that connects up to the Arduino control that accepts connectiom to the Read More