What is the best way to experiment with drones? One could purchase a large and expensive model, and potentially end up damaging it, property, or even themselves, or you could go for miniature drones that can be purchased cheaply and Read More

What is the best way to experiment with drones? One could purchase a large and expensive model, and potentially end up damaging it, property, or even themselves, or you could go for miniature drones that can be purchased cheaply and Read More
MAKERphone – um celular DIY baseado no ESP32Est no ar a campanha no Kickstarter do MAKERphone, um celular DIY de propsito educacional projetado baseado no ESP32. Confira os seus detalhes neste artigo de Fbio Souza!
MoonBot: DIY Kit for Tinkering with Modern Robotics & AI MoonBot: DIY Kit for Tinkering with Modern Robotics & AI on @kickstarter This has a very interesting vision sensor! And needs a little help to get fully funded! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/tianli/moonbot-diy-kit-for-tinkering-with-modern-robotics?ref=project_tweet #robot Read More
The world’s first $9 fully integrated IoT platform is here and it is selling fast on Kickstarter! This perk is limited and only 962 remain, so grab yours quickly. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/boltiot/the-worlds-first-9-iot-platform/
Just found a Kickstarter campaign that has a hackable ESP8266 in it! check it out… http://bit.ly/1l5flhN
Kickstarter at 56% funded in two days. I2C 4 Chan Mux with Status LEDs/Grove connectors #raspberry #arduino http://www.switchdoc.com/2016/01/kickstarter-at-56-in-2-days-update-testing-complete-on-i2c-mux-board/
New Kickstarter – The BC24 – ESP32 Based Big Circle 24 – SwitchDoc LabsNew Kickstartercoming next week. The BC24 – 24 RGBW Pixels arranged in a perfect circle around an ESP32 with WiFi and Bluetooth. http://www.switchdoc.com/2018/05/new-kickstarter-bc24-esp32/
The BC24 – An Amazing Smart Light Display for Makers!New Kickstarter! The BC24, an ESP32 based 24 Pixel (compatible with NeoPixels) RGBW with WiFi/BlueTooth and the back is covered with Grove connectors for expansion. Arduino IDE software included. Lot’s of Read More
#FiPy – next kickstarter project by @pycomIOT which supports five networks #IoTDid you know this devel board with ESP32 ? https://plus.google.com/b/101220829087023776027/101220829087023776027/posts/DXosB4iKVTr?sfc=true
OurWeather – Weather Kit for STEM Kids! by SwitchDoc Labs KickstarterNew Kickstarter launched. #Weather Kit For #STEM #kids and hackers. No Soldering Required! Includes all weather instruments and electronics. #raspberrypi #arduino #esp8266 Designed to be #hacked Open Source Software. https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/sunair/ourweather-weather-kit-for-stem-kids