What is the best way to experiment with drones? One could purchase a large and expensive model, and potentially end up damaging it, property, or even themselves, or you could go for miniature drones that can be purchased cheaply and Read More

What is the best way to experiment with drones? One could purchase a large and expensive model, and potentially end up damaging it, property, or even themselves, or you could go for miniature drones that can be purchased cheaply and Read More
Currently www.esp8266.com has a giveaway of a scope-meter for June 2019. Mustool MT8206… looks very cool! Specifications of meter here. See more details here: https://www.esp8266.com/viewtopic.php?f=167&t=19842
Not sure if this has been covered here, but ciccioCB has released a very cool rapid deveopment suite for the ESP8266. It is packed with very cool and easy to implement features that will get your projects up and running Read More
7 modul s ESP32 na Olimex 16 MB FLASH, 4 MB FLASH a u.FL konektor, 4 MB FLASH a 8 MB PSRAM a dal varianty. https://chiptron.cz/news.php?readmore=789
7 new modules with #ESP32 on @Olimex store Olimex added 7 new modules with ESP32 which supports WiFi and Bluetooth connectivity. https://time4ee.com/news.php?readmore=442
@Time4EE | Electronic Engineering – News: Visuino – a new release of graphical programming tool#Visuino \- a new release of graphical programming tool Visuino, graphical programming tool, released a new version of this software. In this release the Visuino supports Read More
MeWe: The best chat & group app with privacy you trust.#Visuino \- nov verze grafickho programovn pro Arduino V poslednm vydn podporuje #ESP32 \- vvojov desky od TTGO – TTGO-T4, TTGO-TS a TTGO-T8 ESP32. Pidal podporu Bluetooth Low Energy, podpora Read More
#Wemos #Lolin32 s #ESP32 za 4.90 USD a #Micropython Programovac jazyk MicroPython se dostv na nespoet zazen – WiFi&BT moduly s ESP32 nebo mikrokontrolry SAMD21. Popularita MicroPython raketov roste, jak ale zat? https://chiptron.cz/news.php?readmore=786
\- Novinky: TTGO – verze T s kamerou, OLED a ESP32Hldac zazen za pr korun? Deska TTGO T s kamerou, WiFi&BT, PIR, BME280, nabjecm obvodem pro baterii a OLED s cenou (od) 15.60 USD. https://chiptron.cz/news.php?readmore=793 #WiFi #ESP32 #TTGO #camera #Bluetooth Read More
\- Novinky: Gobot – jazyk Go na platformy ESP32, ESP8266, Arduino, RaspberryPi a mnoh dal Gobot – jazyk Go na platformy ESP32, ESP8266, Arduino, RaspberryPi a mnoh dal https://chiptron.cz/news.php?readmore=742 #go #gobot #IoT #ESP8266 #Arduino #RaspberryPi #Microbit