Gaocki Jealma on Twitter1 pcs ESP-WROOM-32 WiFi + Bluetooth 4.2 dual-core CPU MCU low-power Bluetooth 240MHZ ESP32

Gaocki Jealma on Twitter1 pcs ESP-WROOM-32 WiFi + Bluetooth 4.2 dual-core CPU MCU low-power Bluetooth 240MHZ ESP32
I am using esp32 wroom for my iot project. I have to to call http post request for sending device status but the response is too delays (upto 3-6sec) but in esp8266 it is 0.5-1sec. Is there any way to Read More
Qaaqdo.Jiucgi on Twitter1 pcs ESP-WROOM-32 WiFi + Bluetooth 4.2 dual-core CPU MCU low-power Bluetooth 240MHZ ESP32
esp8266 wroom-02 mains switch and optoisolated input
ESP8266 Serial WiFi ESP-WROOM-02 Remote Wireless ModuleHallo, mal ne Frage: Kann man das ESP-WROOM-02 Modul genauso mit Arduiono Entwicklungsumgebung programmieren und flashen wie die anderen ESP-Module auch?
New ESP-32S Wireless! WiFi+Bluetooth Module from
The library of ESP8266 symbols and footprints for KiCAD continues to grow thanks to the help of the community. There are 9 parts available now: \- ESP-01 \- ESP-03 \- ESP-06 \- ESP-07v2 \- ESP-12 \- ESP-12E \- ESP-13-WROOM-02 \- Read More
The kicad-ESP8266 library now has a footprint and model for the ESP-13-WROOM-02 (U2 in this image), thanks to +Jose Luis Toledano Lopez
NEW PRODUCT Espressif ESP32 WROVER KIT TheESP-WROVER-KITfrom Espressif supports the most distinguishing features of the ESP32. Whether you need external SRAM for IoT applications, or an LCD+camera interface, it has you covered! The ESP-WROVER-KIT is a newly-launched development board Read More
NEW PRODUCT -Assembled Adafruit HUZZAH32 ESP32 Feather Board – with Stacking Headers Aww yeah, it’s the Feather you have been waiting for, and now withstacking headers! The HUZZAH32 is our ESP32-based Feather, made with the official WROOM32 module. We Read More