Wemos D32 ESP32 LED & Level Shifter Shield by Evil Genius Labs on Tindie
(update, there is one: https://www.tindie.com/products/jasoncoon/wemos-d32-esp32-led-level-shifter-shield/ https://www.tindie.com/products/jasoncoon/16-output-nodemcu-esp32-wifi-ble-led-controller/ )
+Jason Coon I found your ESP32 shield with level shifter:
Good thinking, this was what I needed, except I needed this with 16 pins instead of 8.
Do you know if such a shield or would you be willing to consider one?
1) 16 pin parallel output in ESP32 is what I use
2) Talking to an RGBpanel also requires 16 pins
Yeah, like you were, I’m using protoboards for now, not very nice, space efficient, or professional