ESP32 with Multiple DS18B20 Temperature Sensors

ESP32 with Multiple DS18B20 Temperature Sensors
Ptel jsem tak njak zmaten. Je njak rozdl mezi ESP-WROOM-32 a ESP32-WROOM-32? Zanm potkvat ty to dv oznaen a njak nemohu zjistit, jestli je to ten sam modul nebo ne.
Moving on from Arduino to ESP32 Part 3, uPyCraft and BlinkSo, now that you have installed MicroPython and connected to it via PuTTY as explained in the previous post, it’s time to do some real work. As with Arduino, the Read More
ESP32 #. #lovetocode
Introduction to MicroPython for ESP32 – The Customize WindowsMicroPython is Python. You will write in same manner like that of Python. You can live test the script avoiding compilation step… #AbhishekGhosh #Arduino #ESP32 #Python #MicroPython #technology
DIY Pen/Laser Engraver ESP32 Controller – Electronics-LabBuildlog.Net Blog published a new project. It’s an ESP32 Controller board used to control X/Y and Z axis of Pen or Laser engraving machines. I have done several pen and laser machines lately, so Read More
Zdravm , vera veer som nahral do dosky TTGO LORA32 V1 z Gitu ESP-1ch-Gateway-v5.0 vetko OK vrtane registrcie brny na strnke TTN. Dnes som chcel pokraova kde vera skonil lene brnu mm zaseknut na tarte. Medzitm som nerobil iadne zmeny Read More
Generic Made in China ESP32 of course has some issues. Biggest problem is poor Wi-Fi connectivity …. #AbhishekGhosh #ESP32 #Arduino #Electronics #adafruit #technology
For anyone that has the esp32 fastled webserver running, I am able to get connect to the AP mode but it is not serving up any files. For those that have been successful, what did you do to get it Read More