gpsbabel/gpsbabelAt this point, pretty much no humans are still reading G+, but for either of my remaining GPSBabel fans, please at least click ‘star’ and ‘follow’ on kThxLaterByte

gpsbabel/gpsbabelAt this point, pretty much no humans are still reading G+, but for either of my remaining GPSBabel fans, please at least click ‘star’ and ‘follow’ on kThxLaterByte
Macchina’s SuperB Is an ESP32-Based Module with an XBee Form FactorTheSuperBis an open source, XBee-compatible ESP32 module. Now on +Crowd Supply!
Esp32 based board having Ethernet Rs232 CAN 3 digital inputs (12-24VDC) 3 digital outputs (12-24VDC) 3 4-20mA current sensor ADC
I’m using an esp32 which three strips of ws2821b strips, with 147 on one strip, 183 on the next and finally 220 on the last one. Since the WiFi causes flickering, and adding #define FASTLED_ALLOW_INTERRUPTS 0 made it far worse, Read More
Sprite_TM’s Magic PaintbrushReversing an Inkjet to Print Nyan Cats on Cappucinos When it comes to hackers we love, there’s no better example than Jeroen Domburg, a.k.a. Sprite_TM. Sprite’s now working for Espressif, makers of the fantastic ESP8266 and ESP32, where Read More
Dnen AliExpress zitky Za prv, nael jsem modul s ESP32 za $2.85. Jet nedvno jsem na pednkch prorokoval, e spadne pod $10. Kdy spadl pod $5, nakoupil jsem si njak (a nechal leet v uplku). Te je za 65 K. Read More
Building Wireless Sensor Networks with ESP32 LoRa #book for engineers and developers.
i got new k40 40w second gen ,what that mean dont have clue i read a loot what i can get from it (like i will need to make new bed and air assist) and i see what ppl do Read More
XinaBox’s xChips Enable Modular Electronics for Makers & STEM EducationNo soldering, no jumper cable needed with Xinabox modular electronics modules. Works with +MicrochipTechnology AVR or +ESP8266 / +ESP32 modules, as well as popular SBCs from +Raspberry Pi, +96Boards, and others. Read More
from Made in NYC 11/28/2018 Featuring #HUZZAH #ESP32 #Feather Production #Adafruit @Adafruitby Stephanie Made in NYC 11/28/2018 HUZZAH ESP32 being made (0:05) PCB portrait series (1:05) Prototyping some new products by hand (1:36) Upcoming project (1:47)