Has anyone looked into the ADC issues with the ESP32? I am trying to run the MSGEQ7 from the esp32 but it has issues with ADC. Has anyone worked with the ESP32 ADC’s and calibrated them?

Has anyone looked into the ADC issues with the ESP32? I am trying to run the MSGEQ7 from the esp32 but it has issues with ADC. Has anyone worked with the ESP32 ADC’s and calibrated them?
ESP32 Arduino: Getting MAC address of soft AP WiFi interface
ESP32 Dual H Bridge Breakout Board
\- lnky: FireBeetle Board-ESP32 Projects Noste zapalova vdy s sebouFireBeetle Board-ESP32 Projects Noste zapalova vdy s sebou https://chiptron.cz/articles.php?article_id=201 #ESP32 #Firebeetle #wearable
ESP-EYE ESP32 AI Development Board Supports Face detection, Voice wakeupUpcoming Espressif Systems +ESP32 AI development kit with camera and microphone supporting face detection / recognition, voice wakeup. https://www.cnx-software.com/2019/01/02/esp-eye-esp32-ai-development-board/
@Time4EE | Electronic Engineering – Articles: About ESP32 and FireBeetle development board – I2S and BluetoothAbout #ESP32 and #FireBeetle development board – I2S and #Bluetooth I decided to test this peripheral by constructing an A2DP audio receiver, which acts as Read More
LoRa SX1278 long-distance chat sms pager project. (description below) : https://github.com/luxonn/Lora-chat/blob/master/README.md LoRa 40-60% , FRS, CB . LoRa 15 5 . ( ) , . 700 . : SX1278 ESP32 Bluetooth WIFI Lora http://buyeasy.by/cashback/view/pliy7t6x8xbhbtb6u5um0g5t8eqvpccv/?to=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.aliexpress.com%2Fitem%2FNetworking-Development-Board-SX1278-OLED-WiFi-Lora-ESP32-chip-non-module%2F32825623246.html%3Fspm%3Da2g0s.13010208.99999999.260.73933c00CWlWZ0 http://ali.onl/1c8B : 2Pcs 433/470MHz SX1278 ESP32 Read More
Green LED Means GO For Supercon Badge HackingSupercon Badge, meet LED. And ESP32, and AVR-IoT, and Teensy, and Arduino… In addition to great speakers and enlightening workshops at Supercon, we have an area set aside for attendees to hack on Read More
Como programar o ESP32 por Wifi usando OTA
ESP32 CoinCell is a Tiny, Coin Cell Powered ESP32 Pico D4 BoardESP32 board powered by a rechargeable coin cell battery https://www.cnx-software.com/2019/02/13/esp32-coincell-battery-board/