While simple in terms of hardware, The DHT11 + ESP32 is able to transduce and convert the levels of temperature and humidity into numeric values. However, there are many things missing from this simple setup in order to become a Read More

ESP32 Arduino : Develop Android App to Receive…
ESP32 Arduino : Develop Android App to Receive Push Notification – The Customize WindowsTo receive push message from ESP32 to Android device we need an Android app. We can have a mobile backend or just directly configure with Firebase. It Read More

ESP32 Well its time to start planning again…
Well, it’s time to start planning again. I wanted to make a server to control all my props. So, I bought 4 of these for 4 bucks each. Nice. I will keep it updated. Sorry, I didnt update blog. Girlfriend Read More

Platform for an Airbus (civil airplane) flight simulator!…
Platform for an Airbus (civil airplane) flight simulator! Motors + gearbox made by German/Brazil company WEG. Software: Python, MicroPython (Adarfruit calls it CircuitPython) on ESP32, also runs on $5 Raspberry Pi Zero. Simple, isn’t it? Just two Stepper Motors needed!!!
Is it possible to drive 2000 leds With…
Is it possible to drive 2000 leds With Esp8266 Or Esp32 Or Arduino UNO? No matter for slow frame rate even
ESP32 Olimex 16 MB…
7 modul s ESP32 na Olimex 16 MB FLASH, 4 MB FLASH a u.FL konektor, 4 MB FLASH a 8 MB PSRAM a dal varianty. https://chiptron.cz/news.php?readmore=789

The1of! platformprovides a simple way to breadboard ESP8266-based…
The1of! platformprovides a simple way to breadboard ESP8266-based electronic designs: http://bit.ly/2SUzw7e

MicroPython on the ESP32 – MicroPython is a…
MicroPython on the ESP32 – MicroPython is a Python interpreter that runs on 32-bit processors. Initially targeting the ESP8266, you can also run MicroPython on its much more powerful cousin the ESP32. It’s not the most efficient use of resources, Read More

Baidqo Qeibje on Twitter 1 pcs ESP-WROOM-32 WiFi +…
Baidqo Qeibje on Twitter1 pcs ESP-WROOM-32 WiFi + Bluetooth 4.2 dual-core CPU MCU low-power Bluetooth 240MHZ ESP32 https://t.co/wTD9B7DeeF

uMesh ESP32 Module Offers a LiPo Battery Circuit…
uMesh ESP32 Module Offers a LiPo Battery Circuit for Deployed IoT Applications | iotosphere – Internet of ThingsEspressif’s ESP32 SoC has become a hardware staple in IoT projects, and for a good reason it’s an inexpensive, low-power Wi-Fi/Bluetooth-equipped module with Read More