uMesh | In Which Jarrett BuildsESP32 based SMD pcb with hotswap lithium battery power management in 1 square inch package. Schematic, BoM, gerber, documentation, more available through links

uMesh | In Which Jarrett BuildsESP32 based SMD pcb with hotswap lithium battery power management in 1 square inch package. Schematic, BoM, gerber, documentation, more available through links
ESP32 Arduino Built-in Hall Sensor Code & Theory – The Customize WindowsThere is a Hall Sensor but it has no practical usage. However testing that extra thing with some coding will give us free fun … #AbhishekGhosh #Technology #Arduino Read More
I have troubles understanding the consumption of a single ws2813 5m stripe. I want to connect 5m of ws2813 led strip (5v), with 60leds per meter. My calculation is that it will make 5m * 60leds/m * 60mA/led = 18A. Read More
Open Source for IoT Firmware development. As I mentioned earlier that it is important to bridge the gap between and an IT professional and Embedded firmware engineer to turn ideas into reality in the world of IoT. Bridging the gap Read More
ESP32 – Analisando e corrigindo o ADC interno – EmbarcadosVoc j deve ter percebido que ADC interno do ESP32 no linear ou tem muito erro nas leituras, mas o que isso significa na prtica?
Como gravar arquivos em microSD com ESP32Como gravar arquivos em microSD com ESP32 Esta a continuao de um vdeo que j fiz utilizando o display TFT de 1.8 polegadas , que um display grfico de 128 pixels por 160, que Read More
uMesh ESP32 Module Offers a LiPo Battery Circuit for Deployed IoT ApplicationsuMesh ESP32module offers a LiPo battery circuit for deployed IoT applications.
Ten pocit, kdy se snate u pl dne udlat SQL Injection, stle to nefunguje a vy nemete pijt na to pro. A potom zjistte, e za SQL komentem — mus bt alespo jedna mezera nebo kontroln znak… #facepalm
Anyone good with phase angles? This dead horse has been beaten enough, but I got sucked back into it after a couple of years of (successfully) ignoring it. The OLD iGaging Absolute scales use a 52 bit data word transmitted Read More
, Gravitech LamLoei Node32Lite ESP32 295 , Gravitech LamLoei Node32Lite ESP32 295 | Blognone | #Thailand #Hardware #InternetofThings