ESP32, rychlost GPIO a Lua Tento lnek navazuje na podobn, ponkud letit, lnek ESP8266, rychlost GPIO a Lua z ledna 2017, kter zase lehce navazuje na Brutln optimalizace kdu za pouit logickho analyztoru . Ve zstalo stejn, jen jsem vymnil Read More

ESP32/ESP8266 MicroPython Web Server En ocasiones necesitamos crear un…
ESP32/ESP8266 MicroPython Web ServerEn ocasiones necesitamos crear un servidor #web en nuestra placa #ESP32 Con #Micropython es muy sencillo En este tutorial te ensean cmo hacerlo paso a paso #Maker #IoT #DIY

Arduino: NodeMCU/ESP8266 Arduino Core analog output PWM
Arduino-er: NodeMCU/ESP8266 Arduino Core analog output PWM…/nodemcuesp8266-arduino-core-analog.html \- esp8266 analogwrite freq 0:24 1 .. 2560 – Andr.oid Eric Call analogWrite(pin, 0) to disable PWM on the pin. value may be in range … Call analogWriteFreq … 7) Tutorial ESP8266 Read More

Automao com AppFernandoK e ESP32…
Automao com AppFernandoK e ESP32

Creating A Custom ePaper Display FeatherWing #Feather #FeatherWing…
Creating A Custom ePaper Display FeatherWing #Feather #FeatherWing #ePaper #Adafruit @Adafruit @coglianoCreating A Custom ePaper Display FeatherWing#Feather#FeatherWing#ePaper#Adafruit@Adafruit @cogliano Dan the Geek writes on his blog about his work with the Adafruit Feather HUZZAH (ESP8266) and HUZZAH 32 (ESP32) boards. Read More
1 pcs ESP-WROOM-32 WiFi + Bluetooth 42 dual-core…
1 pcs ESP-WROOM-32 WiFi + Bluetooth 4.2 dual-core CPU MCU low-power Bluetooth 240MHZ ESP32
NodeMCU for ESP32 Development Workshop #book for embedded…
NodeMCU for ESP32 Development Workshop #book for embedded engineers

ESP-32 a new standard of speed and connectivity Developed…
ESP-32 a new standard of speed and connectivityDeveloped by Espressif the ESP32 brings a new standard in low-cost WiFi boards. After porting one project to this new board I must say that it’s very similar to the ESP8266 and most Read More

Bcher Weihnachtsgeschenkekalender Tag 8: Unsere Buchempfehlungen von ESP32 ber…
BcherWeihnachtsgeschenkekalender Tag 8: Unsere Buchempfehlungen von ESP32, ber Calliope mini bis zur ‘Reise ins Innere des Computers’

ESP32 BLE Client Connecting to Fitness Band to…
ESP32 BLE Client Connecting to Fitness Band to Trigger a BulbESP32 BLE Client Connecting to Fitness Band to Trigger a Bulb: #ESP32 #BLE