#arduino #esp8266 . ESP8266. , PinOut . Arduino , , – , .

#arduino #esp8266 . ESP8266. , PinOut . Arduino , , – , .
Here’s my trees in the park lit up for Christmas using FastLed library running on an Esp32 and driving 1350 lights per tree. https://youtu.be/R1JcD0DBx_M And here is the Hydro power unit that is powering them. https://youtu.be/VddfIM-EUGk
I assembled two units yesterday even if I still have a few parts that I’m missing like the 12 pin cell monitoring connector (did not realized that is hard to find) for now I have a 10pin connector and soldered Read More
WiFiBoy32: Spielekonsole fr den ESP32Na, wer hat sie schon bestellt?
Medicin de Consumo elctrico con Ubidots Industrial & ESP32 + PZEM-004T – PDAControlUtilizando la Plataforma #IoT #Ubidots con un Medidor de Potencia activa monofasico #PZEM-004T y modulo #ESP32 FireBeatle Me he propuesto realizar mediciones, analisis y costos estimados del consumo Read More
( ..)HiLetgo ESP32 ESP-32S NodeMCU2.4GHz WiFi + BluetoothESP32S Dev module USBWifiBlueTooth
I am using esp32 wroom for my iot project. I have to to call http post request for sending device status but the response is too delays (upto 3-6sec) but in esp8266 it is 0.5-1sec. Is there any way to Read More
Hirose U.FL Connector and Antenna for Wi-Fi (Pi Zero, ESP32) – The Customize WindowsBasically dev boards for general purpose usage should avoid the complexity of connectors but these days some boards, modules demand some idea about them … https://thecustomizewindows.com/2019/03/hirose-u-fl-connector-and-antenna-for-wi-fi-pi-zero-esp32/ #AbhishekGhosh Read More
Espressif anuncia suporte para bibliotecas grficas no ESP32Espressif anuncia suporte para bibliotecas grficas no ESP32. Texto por Muriel Costa
ESP32 Over-the-air (OTA) Programming – Web Updater Arduino IDEQu pasa cuando queremos actualizar el firmware de un #Arduino #ESP32 #ESP8266? Que hay que conectarlo al ordenador y cargar el programa. Ese es el mtodo tradicional pero tambin podemos va #OTA Read More