I have started a series of ESP8266 tutorials for new comers, starting from blink, traffic light humidity/temperature sensor /OLED with I2C, MQTT interface to auto hydroponics system, and finally a Arduboy-like ESP8266 game board running modified Arduboy games codes. Please Read More

ESP32 Arduino : Develop Android App to Receive…
ESP32 Arduino : Develop Android App to Receive Push Notification – The Customize WindowsTo receive push message from ESP32 to Android device we need an Android app. We can have a mobile backend or just directly configure with Firebase. It Read More

+Pixelmatix and +Jason Coon youve talked about pixelmatix…
+Pixelmatix and +Jason Coon you’ve talked about pixelmatix in the past. While I prefer fastled addressing and not having the artifacts from row scanning that those displays use, I’d like to try the 32×64 flexible ones with a 4mm pitch: Read More

ESP WROOM 32 : How To Setup ESP32…
ESP WROOM 32 : How To Setup ESP32 NodeMCU With Arduino IDE – The Customize WindowsStep by step setup described. ESP32 dev boards are cheap & easy to get started with IoT …. https://thecustomizewindows.com/2019/02/esp-wroom-32-how-to-setup-esp32-nodemcu-with-arduino-ide/ #AbhishekGhosh #Arduino #NodeMCU #Electronics #IoT #Technology
Hello I am coming back to FastLED and…
Hello, I am coming back to FastLED and LEDs after creating a simple project that I was happy with years ago. I want to create a FastLED based DMX slave device. This would ideally read DMX frames and switch the Read More
Is it possible to drive 2000 leds With…
Is it possible to drive 2000 leds With Esp8266 Or Esp32 Or Arduino UNO? No matter for slow frame rate even

Amazon TOP Angebote ESP32 Development Board Offizielles Angebot…
Amazon TOP Angebote ESP32 Development Board Offizielles Angebot Angebot Proto Modul Proto Board mit Erweiterung Bus Socket fr Arduino ESP32 Development Kit M5Stack: ESP32 Development Board Official Angebot Angebot Proto Modul Proto Board mit Erweiterung und Buchse fr Arduino ESP32 Read More
Problem with running the Arduino IDE for the…
Problem with running the Arduino IDE for the ESP under Linux: I am currently moving from the Windows IDE to Ubuntu. I ran into the following problem. When tying to compile a sketch and downloading it I get the following Read More

DollaTek M5Stack Module de Commande de Moteur Pas…
DollaTek M5Stack Module de Commande de Moteur Pas Pas ESP32 Moteur Pas Pas GRBL I2C MEGA328P, 3 Axes Inclus, IoT ESP32 empilable Programmation Arduino/Python 123CadeauLien du document: https://github.com/watson8544/M5Stack UserGuide / blob / master / M5Stack-StepMotorDriver-Module.md Nouveau module pilote de moteur Read More

ESP32 Erweiterung der Arduino Familie Nachdem der verbreitete ESP8266…
ESP32 Erweiterung der Arduino FamilieNachdem der verbreitete ESP8266 in die Arduino Umgebung integriert wurde und Ledunia als High-End-ESP8266-Modul (http://ledunia.de/) verfgbar ist, steht mit dem ESP32 der chinesischen Firma Espressif ein weiteres Upgrade der Arduino Familie bereit. Ich