ESP32 – Analisando e corrigindo o ADC interno – EmbarcadosVoc j deve ter percebido que ADC interno do ESP32 no linear ou tem muito erro nas leituras, mas o que isso significa na prtica?

ESP32 – Analisando e corrigindo o ADC interno – EmbarcadosVoc j deve ter percebido que ADC interno do ESP32 no linear ou tem muito erro nas leituras, mas o que isso significa na prtica?
Como gravar arquivos em microSD com ESP32Como gravar arquivos em microSD com ESP32 Esta a continuao de um vdeo que j fiz utilizando o display TFT de 1.8 polegadas , que um display grfico de 128 pixels por 160, que Read More
uMesh ESP32 Module Offers a LiPo Battery Circuit for Deployed IoT ApplicationsuMesh ESP32module offers a LiPo battery circuit for deployed IoT applications.
Ten pocit, kdy se snate u pl dne udlat SQL Injection, stle to nefunguje a vy nemete pijt na to pro. A potom zjistte, e za SQL komentem — mus bt alespo jedna mezera nebo kontroln znak… #facepalm
Anyone good with phase angles? This dead horse has been beaten enough, but I got sucked back into it after a couple of years of (successfully) ignoring it. The OLD iGaging Absolute scales use a 52 bit data word transmitted Read More
, Gravitech LamLoei Node32Lite ESP32 295 , Gravitech LamLoei Node32Lite ESP32 295 | Blognone | #Thailand #Hardware #InternetofThings
Happy New Year Everyone! Pre-Announce: SmartMatrix::GFX and Demo: Given the time I spent porting demos to Adafruit GFX and/or FastLED (via FastLED::NeoMatrix), and that I needed to use some smaller higher res panels, which sadly can only Read More
Neopixel signNeopixel sign I have an update. I have been working on a new neopixel sign to replace my older Halloween radio sign. The Neopixel sign will be controlled by a esp32 client, which is controlled by a raspberry pi Read More
Mte nkdo zkuenosti s pjenm smd soustek? koupil jsem si display z nokie 5110 s adiem PCD8544 abych ho mohl pipojit k ESP32, ale jak u to u nskch vc bv et se na vem, msto smd ledek kter by Read More
Germany, Europe completely migrates to Python now! Python, as truly free language (compare to 8.8 bln. Oracle – Google lawsuit about formerly free Java programming language), now becomes european #1 language in business, IoT, embedded devices (see Micropython on e.g. Read More