I have started a series of ESP8266 tutorials for new comers, starting from blink, traffic light humidity/temperature sensor /OLED with I2C, MQTT interface to auto hydroponics system, and finally a Arduboy-like ESP8266 game board running modified Arduboy games codes. Please Read More

ESPcopter Is a Programmable, ESP8266-Powered Mini Drone
What is the best way to experiment with drones? One could purchase a large and expensive model, and potentially end up damaging it, property, or even themselves, or you could go for miniature drones that can be purchased cheaply and Read More

ScopeMeter Giveway!
Currently www.esp8266.com has a giveaway of a scope-meter for June 2019. Mustool MT8206… looks very cool! Specifications of meter here. See more details here: https://www.esp8266.com/viewtopic.php?f=167&t=19842

Annex WiFi RDS BASIC script language for the ESP8266
Not sure if this has been covered here, but ciccioCB has released a very cool rapid deveopment suite for the ESP8266. It is packed with very cool and easy to implement features that will get your projects up and running Read More
Is it possible to drive 2000 leds With…
Is it possible to drive 2000 leds With Esp8266 Or Esp32 Or Arduino UNO? No matter for slow frame rate even

MicroPython on the ESP32 – MicroPython is a…
MicroPython on the ESP32 – MicroPython is a Python interpreter that runs on 32-bit processors. Initially targeting the ESP8266, you can also run MicroPython on its much more powerful cousin the ESP32. It’s not the most efficient use of resources, Read More

The1of! platformprovides a simple way to breadboard ESP8266-based…
The1of! platformprovides a simple way to breadboard ESP8266-based electronic designs: http://bit.ly/2SUzw7e

nodemcu-firmware Test NodeMCU na ESP32 Dnes m napadlo…
nodemcu-firmwareTest NodeMCU na ESP32 Dnes m napadlo zkusit otestovat stav NodeMCU na ESP32. V poslednch mscch toti vvoj docela oil a dopluj tam potebn moduly znm z NodeMCU pro ESP8266. Peklad probhl v podku, jen jsem si na Ubuntu 16.04 Read More

ESP32 Erweiterung der Arduino Familie Nachdem der verbreitete ESP8266…
ESP32 Erweiterung der Arduino FamilieNachdem der verbreitete ESP8266 in die Arduino Umgebung integriert wurde und Ledunia als High-End-ESP8266-Modul (http://ledunia.de/) verfgbar ist, steht mit dem ESP32 der chinesischen Firma Espressif ein weiteres Upgrade der Arduino Familie bereit. Ich

MoonBot: DIY Kit for Tinkering with Modern Robotics…
MoonBot: DIY Kit for Tinkering with Modern Robotics & AI MoonBot: DIY Kit for Tinkering with Modern Robotics & AI on @kickstarter This has a very interesting vision sensor! And needs a little help to get fully funded! https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/tianli/moonbot-diy-kit-for-tinkering-with-modern-robotics?ref=project_tweet #robot Read More